Friday, August 12, 2011

47 ways to announce pregnancy on Facebook

I stole this list from an online article, and added a few of my own. Enjoy!

  1. …is pregnant…….what’s your excuse?!
  2. …has a baby in her belly.
  3. …is thinking of names.
  4. …is looking up baby names.
  5. Riddle: What bounces but should never be dropped?
  6. Riddle: What gets a shower but doesn’t get wet?
  7. Change your profile picture to your pregnancy test or ultrasound picture and write (Name) is wondering how observant people are these days.
  8. …has a bun in the oven.
  9. …is pregnant <3

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Healthy Momma makes Health Baby, right?

I don't know how meals and dinner time go in your house, but at ours, I TRY to plan two weeks of meals every other Saturday when I do my big grocery store trip. I surf the newspaper circulars, look whats on sale, compare to my recipie book, and make my list. I never assign meals to days, but I know that during this week, I have food items to prepair "x" meal.  Now that I'm pregnant and trying to do the best I can at providing nourishment, Im trying to make a more concious effort at these plans.  Thanks to Dr. Google, I have found what "they say" is a recommended amount of calories, proteins, fats, and fiber.   The USDA even has this VERY cool tool that takes your height weight and due date into acocunt, and provides their suggestions. try it here! .