Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We're halfway there, baby!!

I am now 20 weeks, 2 days. We have reached the halfway point in the pregnancy, and it's actually a little bittersweet for me. I have SO enjoyed being pregnant, and am sad to think it's halfway over... I find I have to remind myself that we will have more children (God willing) so this won't be the last time I get to have this awesome experience.  I have been feeling really great lately, with ZERO sickness, however I have had lots of heartburn with really anything I eat.

My baby girl weighs about 10.5 ounces (300g) and measures about 7.2 inches (18cm) from crown to rump. She still moves about freely in amniotic fluid. The baby may respond to external sounds, such as the music you are listening to or my voice. The baby has developed some red blood cells already. The white blood cells that baby needs to fight infections are being manufactured.  She is developing taste buds on his tongue. Her digestive system is sufficiently advanced to absorb water and sugar from the amniotic fluid that she swallows and pass it to her large bowel. The baby has lanugo hair on her forehead and upper lip and her eyebrows are thickening.

As I said earlier, I am feeling GREAT. Sleeping is a struggle every night, as I was always a stomach sleeper... I roll from left side, to right side about 10 times a night. Justin loves it. Really.. he does.. he just doesn't like to admit it. :-)  Im feeling movment daily now, typically after a large meal. Baby LOVES meat and potatoes; that always gets her kicking! Im still wearing my regular clothing at this point.. just with the top button undone..Maternity pants just suck, so I'm hoding out as long as I can.

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