Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time flies when your growing a baby!

Holy cow-- Where has the time gone?!?! Before I knew it, it had been 10 weeks since my last blog post. I suck at blogging apparently. So first, allow me to show you.....

Yeap. Thats a baby right there!!! This picture was taken at 18 weeks 5 days.   Before THIS.. there was this:


Yup.. that's our beautiful baby at 12 weeks. It was amazing to see how in 7 weeks, the baby went from being an alien being with a heart to a baby.. a REAL LIFE BABY (sorry, I went all Pinocchio there..). So, allow me to recap the last 10 weeks. Yeah again, I suck at this regular bloggin thing and Im sory!So let's recap.
  • Justin and I have begun emptying our office to make room for baby. This was semi successful. If you know my husband, you know he is NOT very organized, and has way too much clothing. The office, emptied of furniture, now has become his dumping ground for clothing.. Its a work in progress...
  • The baby has made hiis/herself present with very strong kicks and movements:-) I began felling flutters at 13 weeks, and my first kick at 15 weeks. Justin and Alexis both felt the baby at about 17 weeks.
  • We got a doppler, which is AWESOME.. We are able to hear the babys heart beat any time we want :-)
  • We have picked our son's name, and have a daughters name narrowed down to a few options.
  • Some of the best news.. I am no longer sick!!! HORRAY!!!! I ended up getting a nasty cold the same week my sickness subsided, which lasted about 2 weeks.  I am now feeling GREAT!
How far along: 19 weeks
Baby: . The baby equals a large heirloom tomato in size and weighs 8 1/2 ounces. (length: 6 inches, head to bottom). 
Her skin is thickening and developing multiple layers- the epidermis and the dermis, the deeper layer where it will form fat. Your baby is now also developing a waxy protective coating for her skin called vernix caseosa. The vernix protects your baby's skin which is continuously submersed in amniotic fluid. Vernix, which is particularly thick around the eyebrows is held in place by tiny downy hairs called lanugo.Your baby can now grip with her fists. Toenails and scalp hair are growing.
Momma: I am feeling GREAT.  I am completely beat and ready for bed by 8pm, but I will take that over sickness any day :-) Im no longer in the questionable stage in terms of how pregnant I "look"; most people are now fairly sure I am pregnant if they don't actually know me.  I'm actually still fitting into most of my normal clothing. I cant wear any short tops or anything that isnt stretchy, however the pants are just getting used to being unbuttoned :-)
Movement: LOTS. Baby likes comfort foods like meat and potatoes. I always feel the most movement after that type of meal :-)
Tests: We have our BIG ANATOMY SCAN On Monday, November 14th. We are excited beyond words to possible find out of this is a little girl, or a little boy.

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