Thursday, August 4, 2011

Opps I did it again.

No, Im not talking about Roxy the dog....  Im talking about something MUCH MUCH bigger than that.. Actually, its quite small right now... much smaller than a grain of rice.  Yes, you probably have guessed it by now;  Justin and I are pregnant!!! This post will be the story of how we found out, and the blissful days that followed.   Just as a fair warning to all, I will mention body parts, body functions, and peeing in this post.  You have been warned.... :)

To begin, as I have posted before, we have been using OPK's (ovulation predictor kits) for a few months, and this was my first cycle taking my temperature every morning. Admittedly, the temperature taking was very cool. because I really gained insight into by body and how it functions.  I have a fairly typical 28-30 day cycle, which  made this process much easier. I feel for the women who have 40-60 day cycles with high irregularity!  Every cycle, my body is very predictable. Usually around one week before my period was to begin, I would get cramps.  This cycle, I mysteriously had none. Also, I typuically had breast pain. I had that this cycle. So really, Nothing is that weird for me.

Sunday, July 31st was my "anticipated" day for my period to begin. We woke up and went to church, and then came home to relax. I was feeling absolutely exhausted, but really chalked that up to the fact that I hadn't been sleeping that well the past few nights.  We had made plans to go for a cookout at our friends house, and I decided before I went there I would take a test just to be safe before I drank any wine.  

So I ran my little butt to CVS and picked up a pregnancy test, came home, and peed on the stick. I laid it on the counter, and closed the door.  I yelled downstairs to Justin telling him to get his hiney upstairs to read it for me. I always ask him to read them so that a) he can break the bad news to me softly, and b) so he is there the MOMENT we find out.  He comes upstairs and says "but it hasn't been 5 minutes yet!". I tell him to get his but in there, and look for me. He asks me again what exaclty he is looking for (how many lines, does it matter how dark they are), and then walks in.....

Justin- "Well, there are definitly two lines"
Me- "WHAT?!? Dont joke with me"
Justin- "nope.. there are two lines!!"

There it was. the moment that will changes our lives for eternity.  Those two magical lines.  I wont gross you all out by posting a picture of the stick, although I did take one for memories sake.  Of course tears and hugging proceeded this!   I promise to post regularly on the progress of baby cook, including the already beginning battles over baby names!! :)  I WILL however, show you a picture of my LOVELY chart... I encourage ALL women to do this prior to trying to conceive, and when actively trying. I learned so much about my body. 

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