Thursday, July 7, 2011

So what your saying is, my health teacher lied?

I remember so vividly sitting in my high school health class learning that how easy it is for women to get pregnant. We were scared into thinking that you have sex, and BAM! You are knocked the f#$k up.  Now, mid 20's, I have learned that is a

My husband has been absolutely wonderful with his support through this, and the rejection we receive every month when only one lonely line appears on our tests.  The fact is, a normal, healthy couple only has a 20% chance of conceiving each cycle.  20%.  That was NOT taught in high school.  Nor was the fact that your timing has to be JUST right, you need to check thinks like cervical position, and cervical mucus.  Seriously- I realise now my health education teacher was simply trying to scare the life out of all of us kids.  I wish I had known what I know now, years ago. Even if I wasn't trying to conceive a child, as a woman one should know what is occuring in her body every month. So onward we continue!!

Every month I have been making serious effort to be aware of my body and whats going on, without stressing about it.  There is a VERY fine line between awareness, and obsession, and I certainly had to learn it.   

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