Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Love, life and things

As I've mentioned before, I have an 8 year old daughter, Alexis (whom we call Lexi now that she is cool and 8 and all).  She is the bountiful blessing that resulted from my first marriage, which was not so bountiful and blissful.  My dear husband, Justin, and I knew from the beginning of our relationship that we wanted more children, and plenty of them! I personally would like 3 more, while he would like 4 or 5 more.  I told him lets get through one at a time :)

This time around, Ive been very aware of my fertility signs and done some serious reading and online searching. The women over at TTC have been the fountain of hope for me, giving so much advice and knowledge.  Ive done charting courses on, and now track my monthly cycles. 

This cycle, we're "ramping it up". I purchased my very first BBT thermometer, and will begin taking my temperatures every morning at 0530.  Doesn't that sound like FUN?!?! Hey, it beats the alternative, right?

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